Movie with William Shatner (2005)

No, I wasn’t in Star Trek II.

And thank God I wasn’t in Star Trek V.

But I was in a movie with William Shatner. Well…a planetarium show.

And he only narrated it. So we didn’t get to film together.

But during his taping, he did say my name!

The clip is explained in the following email from Desmond Mullen, then on staff at Morehead Planetarium and Science Center.

From: Desmond Mullen
To: Daniel Reichart
Subject: Clip of Shatner...

Hey Dan,

Here is the clip of William Shatner saying your name.

Here's the clip transcribed with a little explanation:

[Just prior to the start of recording this clip he asked (sort of thinking aloud) whether the "So we're not in the line of fire - at least not from this one" line was for him to say. He immediately realized that it was part of the transcript of your video segment and said something like, "Oh, no, that's his line on camera, I don't say that." (it's not on tape so I'm recollecting as best I can). Then he continued on with his very dry wit and said something like, "If I said that, I'd be taking his line..."]

WILLIAM SHATNER: And poor Dr. Reichart would be terribly hurt and I don't want to be doing that.

WILL OSBORNE: [joking] We'll just loop you in over his video. [which means we'd see you on camera and hear Shatner's voice saying your line]

SHATNER: [joking] We'll do it together. [like a duet]

[to himself] So we're not in the line of fire, at least not from this one.

[finding the emotional tempo and pitch with which to deliver his line] Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. But what if the rotation axis was pointing directly at Earth?


Conclusion: Bucket list item completed!

Now if I could only be in a movie with Mark Hamill…